从事前寒武-寒武过渡期环境演化研究,在博士学位攻读期间参与了中德合作项目“前寒武纪-寒武纪转换时期生物圈演化:来自中国大陆板块的证据”,多次参加项目相关的野外考察和项目内部学术交流会议。博士毕业参加工作以来,延续博士期间的工作并在此基础进行拓展,应用微量元素和同位素手段对古环境进行重建研究。目前,主持国家自然科学青年基金一项,发表SCI文章数篇,并多次参加国内外会议和其它学术交流活动。 1. 教育工作背景 1) 2012至今:伟德国际1949官方网站,助理研究员 2) 2009/9–2010/9, 德国柏林自由大学, 地质学, 联合培养博士 3) 2006/9–2012/6, 南京大学, 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 博士 4) 2002/9–2006/6, 南京大学, 地球化学, 学士, 2. 研究经历 06.2013-12.2016 国家自然科学青年基金:华南埃迪卡拉系Os 同位素地层学、CIA 研究及其对古环境的指示意义(41302018),资助金额27万,项目负责人 06.2016- 国家自然科学青年基金:基于示踪辅助模型的西南喀斯特小流域水流特征解析及模拟研究(41601013),资助金额25万,项目参与人 3. 发表文章
期刊论文 Zhu B.*, Ge L.*, Yang T., et al., Stable isotopes and rare earth element compositions of ancient cold seep carbonates from Enza River, northern Apennines (Italy): Implications for fluids sources and carbonate chimney growth. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 2019. 109:434-448. (SCI) Ge L.*, Chen W., Zhu B.*, et al., Sr and Nd isotopes of cold seep carbonates from the northern South China sea as proxies for fluid sources. Marine and Petroleum Geology. In press doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104284 (SCI) Zhu B, Jiang S.Y.*, Pi D.H., et al. Trace Elements Characteristics of Black Shales from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, Hubei Province, South China: Implications for Redox and Open vs Restricted Basin Conditions. Journal of Earth Science. 2018, 29:342-352 (SCI) Bi Zhu, Shao-Yong Jiang*, Dao-Hui Pi, et al. Trace Elements Characteristics of Black Shales from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, Hubei Province, South China: Implications for Redox and Open vs Restricted Basin Conditions. Journal of Earth Science. 2018, 29:342-352 (SCI) Bi Zhu, Shao-Yong Jiang*. A LA-ICP-MS analysis of REEs in black phosphorites of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, Weng’an, South China: Implication for depositional conditions and diagenetic processes. Geological Magazine. 2017. 154(6): 1381-1397 . (SCI) 朱碧*,朱志勇,吕苗,杨涛. Iolite软件处理LA-ICP-MS线扫描数据适用性研究. 岩矿测试. 2017: 36(1): 14-21. 朱碧*,刘倩,杨涛. 基体差异对电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定过程中Ba氧化物产率的影响及其对Eu测定结果校正的研究. 高校地质学报, 2016, 22(3): 467-473. Bi Zhu., Shaoyong Jiang*, Jinghong Yang, Daohui Pi, Hongfei Ling, and Yongquan Chen. Rare earth element and SrNd isotope geochemistry of phosphate nodules from the lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation, NW Hunan Province, South China: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2014, 398: 132-143(SCI) Bi Zhu, Harry Becker, Shaoyong Jiang*, Daohui Pi, Mario Fischer-Gödde, Jinghong Yang, Re–Os geochronology of black shales from the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation, Yangtze platform, South China: Precambrian Research, 2013, 225: 67-76(SCI). 朱碧,蒋少涌*,丁昕,姜耀辉,倪培,顾连兴. 江西永平铜矿区花岗岩热液蚀变与岩石成因:矿物化学、元素地球化学和Sr-Nd-Hf同位素制约. 岩石学报: 2008,24(08):1900-16 (SCI)
4. 国际学术交流 1) 26th Goldschmidt Conference. 2016.6.26-2016.7.1. Yokohama, Japan. Poster. Re-Os dating of phosphorite from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, Weng’an, South China. (横滨日本戈尔德斯密特会议墙报) 2) GSA Denver Annual Meeting,2010.10.31-2011.11.3. U.S. Poster. Re-Os geochronology of black shales from the Doushantuo Formation, Yangtze platform, South China. (美国,GSA会议,墙报) |